Here is how your end result will look like - BEAUTIFUL
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Here is what you do to create it:
1. Add "Custom Query" component on your page
2. Use the following SWQL query to return all components with problems, including their Statistic and Message values for different types of components, which is very handy if you have different monitoring scripts:
SELECT '' AS SEV, n.Caption AS NODE, a.Name AS APP, c.ComponentName AS CMPNT, ce.AvgStatisticData AS STAT, ce.ErrorMessage AS MSG, '/Orion/images/StatusIcons/Small-' + c.StatusDescription + '.gif' AS [_IconFor_SEV], '/Orion/NetPerfMon/NodeDetails.aspx?NetObject=N%3a' + ToString(n.NodeID) AS [_LinkFor_NODE], '/Orion/APM/ApplicationDetails.aspx?NetObject=AA%3a' + ToString(a.ApplicationID) AS [_LinkFor_APP], '/Orion/APM/MonitorDetails.aspx?NetObject=AM%3a' + ToString(c.ComponentID) AS [_LinkFor_CMPNT], '/Orion/APM/MonitorDetails.aspx?NetObject=AM%3a' + ToString(c.ComponentID) AS [_LinkFor_STAT], '/Orion/APM/MonitorDetails.aspx?NetObject=AM%3a' + ToString(c.ComponentID) AS [_LinkFor_MSG] FROM Orion.APM.Component(nolock=true) c JOIN Orion.APM.CurrentComponentStatus(nolock=true) ccs ON c.ComponentID = ccs.ComponentID JOIN Orion.APM.ChartEvidence(nolock=true) ce ON ce.ComponentStatusID = ccs.ComponentStatusID JOIN Orion.APM.Application(nolock=true) a ON c.ApplicationID = a.ApplicationID JOIN Orion.Nodes(nolock=true) n ON a.NodeID = n.NodeID WHERE ce.AvgStatisticData IS NOT NULL AND a.StatusDescription NOT IN ('Unmanaged') AND c.StatusDescription NOT IN ('Up')
That's It! Enjoy!
You can then add more filters in "WHERE" section to further restrict and show only components that you are interested in. I have created a whole bunch of them . I advise you to use SWQL Studio from Orion SDK, which makes query building process much more fun and you can see the whole structure of tables in-font of you
If you will experience any problems - please post them below so that we can solve them here and come up with common universal resource for displaying any issues on a component level if there are any issues with the above query
CREDITS: Petr Vilem, lukas.belza for helping me at [SOLVED] SWQL Query: How Do I Output "Statistic" and "Message" Values For The Component?