This alert will notify when a deadlock occurs. It uses data collected from the Deadlocks custom metric (based on system_health extended event), which must be added first and described here: Deadlocks Custom Metric.
Alert Definition
To create the alert, click on Alerts > Manage Alerts tab and create a Custom Alert of type Custom SQL Alert - Single Numeric Return. Configure the alert with values similar to these:
Alert Name: Deadlocks
Execution Interval: 10 minutes
Notification Text: The following Ignite alert means deadlocks have exceeded a threshold as defined.
SQL Statement:
Note:The where clause below should be modified to look for data from the correct custom metric. To find out the name of the Deadlocks custom metric in your system, click on Options > Custom Resource Metrics and choose the Deadlocks metric. In the upper right hand corner of the next page you will see the metric name listed. Use that name in the where clause below.
select coalesce(sum(coalesce(md.v,0)),0) num_deadlocks
inner join CON_METRICS_#DBID# m on m.METRIC_NAME_ID = mn.ID
inner join CON_METRICS_DETAIL_#DBID# md on m.ID = md.METRICS_ID
where mn.NAME = 'CustomMetric-2'
and md.D >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - (#FREQUENCY# / 1440.0)
Execute Against: Repository
Units: Number of Deadlocks
High Threshold: Min 1, Max empty