The web interface needs some improvement in the ability to backtrack from a particular screen.
Here's a clunky workflow to give you an example. There are others that you can figure out with little effort.
1. Configs->Compliance->View a report
2. Click on a single violation item.
At this point you have multiple UI issues.
- Anything I click on (View config, Execute remediation script) takes me off of the report unless I remember to use the "open link in new tab" feature of the browser.
- Neither The "back" button on the browser nor the breadcrumb navitagor take me back to the report. They take me back to the list of reports and I have to re-open, re-scroll, etc.
- Therefore, it is impossible to efficiently remediate multiple violation.
What I propose is that:
- All of the links on the violation details open up in a new small popup window automatically. Make it work like dialog boxes. --OR-- Make the breadcrumb navigator at the top of the screen take us back to the report that we were viewing
- We don't get taken to the Transfer Status screen after every action. We know it's there. Maybe give us a link in case we want to go there.