Perhaps I am missing something obvious which is a distinct possibility. So can someone direct me on how to find switchport interfaces and their configured, associated VLAN (id or name) using SolarWinds?
The ideal output would look something like the following but more is always better.
Hostname Interface Name VLAN ID VLAN Name
switchname1 GigabitEthernet1/0/49 101 vlanname101
I have NPM, NCM, UDT (where I would expect to find it), and IPAM modules installed.
Versions are: Orion Core 2012.2.1, IPAM 3.1.1, NCM 7.1.1, NPM 10.4.1, NTA 3.10.0, UDT 2.5.1
UDT - Is there a way to search by VLAN?
Here is a SQL Query I found on Thwack posted by sean.martinez (thanks Sean if you happen to read this!) that works but is not something I can share with the team when they need to locate VLANs on a switchport.
"SELECT IPAddress, HostName, MACAddress, ConnectedTo, PortNumber, PortName, VLAN, NodeStatus, NodeID, PortID, ConnectionType, FirstSeen, ConnectionTypeName FROM UDT_AllEndPoints"
NCM - A report called Cisco VLANs is worthless.
We run MST (Multiple Spanning Tree) so all VLANs show up on each switch even when they have no interfaces assigned to a specific VLAN. Also, the report includes VLANid 1002, 1003, 1004, and 1005 which means the report isn't very polished.
IPAM - Ehh, only if I manually entered all of the VLAN ID stuff would it help.
Any help is appreciated!
“ “ ~~Marcel Marceau.