Too many MIBS to keep up with, and too many issues with SW's management of them.
Years back, I submitted everything we had, added new ones as necessary.
At a certain point, a year or two ago, Destiny decided to clean out the MIB db, and key things were lost, deemed duplicate,
when they certainly weren't. It was a travesty that made me stop using MIB updates from SW at all, and I haven't updated since
my last good copy.
This is also a drag, because there are always new pieces, and new requirements. The vast bulk of SW customers may not need this feature,
but anyone managing more than 100 nodes has probably run into issues. Anyone new to the product with carrier gear would absolutely love it,
and it was mentioned in other feature request threads. I think it's been talked about for years. It can't be that difficult to package this thing up so
it can be installed and used, even if it's rough at first, because the vast majority of people who are going to want it, will be able to handle a little complexity.
This has long been an outstanding issue. I could tail onto this, no multiple copies of the MIB database, but I don't know if that's still an issue.
I know .5GB of MIBS.cfg having to get dropped in 3 places back in the day was a bit of an issue.