I'm finding that the world map and the weather add in is great and I would like to put some ideas forward
World map
- Integration of world map with network atlas and ntm?
- An overlay? that can link makers together and show for example a hub/spoke/leaf topology
- Being able to have different colours or icons for the place markers
- To be able to set regional zone stencils like in google earth, where we can have coloured overlays (with transparency) so I could show organisational regions or areas
- ability to add other overlay options like kml files
- increased performance capability for world maps to handle more than 1000 nodes without warnings of decreased performance
Open weather map add in
this is a fantastic feature by the way!
- more overlay options if possible like disaster events eg, cyclone/hurricane tracking forecasting, flood maps, fire maps. In past extreme events we have had have radar maps running side by side with solarwinds maps trying to compare which of our sites were at risk and which ones to give the highest response and priority to. I know this sounds a bit out there but it would really make a difference.
- the ability to add an subscription account for open weather maps, for example on the current weather map I think it only updates between 5 min-2hrs. If we buy our own subscription with them we can get weather updates every 5-10min.
I also like some of the other ideas that others have put forward