Basically trying to monitor the downloaded and uploaded data on a specific interface on a specific node.
I can do this with a custom SQL, and have written the SQL, however when i do that it runs against all nodes and generates too many alerts. (SQL Below)
SELECT CAST(SUM(InterfaceTraffic.In_TotalBytes + InterfaceTraffic.Out_TotalBytes) /1024 /1024 /1024 AS NUMERIC(3,2)) as 'Total'
(Nodes INNER JOIN Interfaces ON (Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID))
INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON (Interfaces.InterfaceID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID
AND InterfaceTraffic.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID) WHERE ( DateTime BETWEEN '27-Nov-2014 00:00:00' AND '27-Nov-2014 23:59:59' )
AND ((Nodes.IP_Address = 'X.X.X.X') )
AND (Interfaces.InterfaceID='XXX')
) a
WHERE a.Total > 1
I cant find an option with a standard alert being built to show InterfaceTraffic.In_TotalBytes or Out_TotalBytes
My knowledge of Solarwinds is Beginner and im learning how to build the alerts smarter.
Is there anyway to do what i want without CustomSQL?
Or is there a way / something i am missing to make my CustomSQL only apply to the node i want once the alert is created?