NCM Chart Options- need to utilise 'Unmanaged' NPM Status.
Currently we unmange devices until a certain date. NCM does not use this unmanaged status and so this affects the charts Overall Devices Backed Up vs. Not Backed, these then show up as 'Not Backed Up'.
In Startup vs Running, they show as Unknown.
In Overall Devices Inventoried vs. Not Inventoried, they show as 'Not Inventoried' etc etc
SW have asked for this feature request to be added here for voting.
Please help me and vote - it is more than a feature - i do think it is a slight bug on the integration beetween NPM and NCM personally.
From Case #508294
Hi Mez,
I think your ideas are nice, if I were in your
place that would definitely help me. My suggestion is to place your feature
requests separately on thwack. If you have problems with placing feature
requests I can do it for you via our internal system but I am not sure if you
would be able to see their progress and feedback from other customers.
NCM Thwack Feature Request forum is here:
Create a post titled “FEATURE REQUEST - Name of
the Feature Request” and detail your request including case number. You need to
be logged in. These forums are monitored by our Product Managers. This will
allow other customers to voice their opinions as to whether they would find the
feature useful.
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