How many messages per hour does your Kiwi Syslog Server handle?
The official line is that Kiwi Syslog server is supposed to handle a maximum of 2 million messages per hour. How many messages per hour are you pushing to your Kiwi Server? (If you have multiple...
View ArticleDoes your montoring system have any easter eggs/humor?
"Accidental" emoticons in texts that appear in just the right place...Very important, but sometimes omitted data "<blank> ALERT. <blank> system: <blank>. "Devices with old odd names...
View ArticleWhich of these describes your handedness?
Today being International Left Handers day, I, miseri gave it a thought to know what your handedness is. Are you:
View ArticleA name for users of Thwack
This is version 2.0 of the poll. Using the top two from the other poll and a new contender.
View ArticleTime Tracking Forensics
I think it would be cool to take the data that LEM collects and provide a historic visualization of where somebody (User Account, IP, and/or System) was over a time series. This would provide a...
View ArticleAllow LEM filters to be sent to Rule Creation
I Use the Filter creator in the Monitoring section to build and trouble shoot filters and often take advantage of the feature to be able to send them directly to Ndepth. This works great and I think it...
View ArticleAggregate Disk Allocation for multiple hosts
I'm a SAM noob. Our SAM administrator is a contractor, so I'm trying to figure this out on my own, since it doesn't appear that SAM comes with this out of the box. Basically, I'm trying to find out...
View ArticleCapture change events from Orion
I would love to see LEM have the ability to capture any and all change events that occur within Orion. Having real-time correlation data as well as historical views of this data would be incredibly...
View ArticleBuild Your Own Syslog Connectors
I have a lot of devices that can send syslogs to LEM; however, often there aren't connectors for those logs. I would love to see a small development environment for creating your own syslog...
View ArticleAnomaly Detection
I would love to see LEM have an anomaly detection engine. Currently the problem with most SIEM products or even monitoring products in general is that it requires you know what problems it is that you...
View ArticlevCenter Connector
I would like to see a connector for vCenter logs. Currently vCenter only logs to local log files and our auditors are pointing out that we need a way to get those logs off the vCenter system and into...
View ArticleFlash player ActiveX doesn't exist. Why is it in the catalog?
On 8/12, Adobe released two versions of the latest update for Flash: for ActiveX browsers (IE) for plugin browsers (Firefox). This is also how the updates are listed atTable of...
View ArticleScheduled Reports Not Running
Some of the schedule reports that have been created aren't running at their scheduled time. If I manually execute the report, it runs correctly and publishes the report to the share we have set up....
View ArticleNode Details Tab View Limitation
What I would like to see is the ability to create a view limitation for a tab within a nodes detail view. So for instance we have a general node details view for all devices and we create a new tab for...
View ArticleShould a NCM Admin be able to access NCM settings if he/she is NOT a full...
Currently, NCM settings are only accessible to full Orion Admins. We are considering making them accessible also to users who are NCM Admins only and are interested in customer input.
View ArticleInterface Trigger Alert
Hello Community Is it possible to get an alert when an Interface is up/down as opposed to down/down For example: Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status...
View ArticleArchiving closed tickets
We would like to see a way of archiving closed tickets rather than deleting them. As part of our accreditation we require a past record show all tickets for 5 years. It would make it easier for us to...
View ArticleNPM - NOC View mode - combine all NOC views configured into one noc view
Hi All, I have been experimenting with the NOC view mode and demonstrated this to my colleagues. We have determined that our customers will benefit from the NOC view feature and an alternative way of...
View ArticleNodes, Interfaces, Containers, Applications and Application Components last...
Hi all, I'm getting Nodes, Interfaces, Containers, Applications and Application Components from SW using SWQL Studio and I wanted to confirm something. For instance, if I wanted to see only the Nodes...
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