rebuild Orion engine from scratch with HTML5 core functionality
the current Orion engine is dated and lacks capability that other vendors have already released. products that sit atop Orion are affected for example , in NPM one can go down sub-menus on nodes to...
View ArticleTIME ZONES
Unless I'm mistaken, it appears there have been requests to add time zones into various SolarWinds tools since 2004. This feature is an absolute MUST HAVE. Our single Orion NPM server monitors nodes...
View ArticleCustom Property - Arrange Order
I would like the ability to arrange the order in which the customer properties are displayed. This request goes hand-in-hand with my other feature request to group custom properties.
View ArticleEducation, which is best for me?
If you are contemplating an educational track with your current career path, which should you focus on Certifications or Degree?
View ArticleIF.... I could retire Monday, I would......?
Your SPAM filter was'nt lying and surprise you actually did win the lottery and now you are independently wealthy that fast! Congratulations! Monday other than letting everyone know how you really feel...
View ArticleServ-U Web Client downloading file but no extension
We have Serv-U v with the web client enabled. The web client does allow the download of a file but when downloading the file name changes and the extension of the file is removed. Is this a...
View Article[thwack feedback] You're a customer... What SolarWinds properties do you...
I'll be starting a weekly series of questions to gather some feedback about the community from the community. We're always looking for ways to improve and better understand the end-user experience....
View ArticleWho is THWACKMAN?
The Adventures of Thwackman! Coming to video soon! It's the most anticipated Customer Service Week video yet! You won't be disappointed. Thwackman responds, in style, to an emergency call! Here...
View ArticleMonitor PowerShell Script
Dear All, We nee to Monitor the following command running in powershell. vxrlink -g shrilife-dg -i 2 status dc-dr The above command is for database replication. The output of the above command will be...
View ArticleTemplate for Citrix Store Front Server in SAM
We would like to request a feature request specifically for Citrix StoreFront Servers - specifically for monitoring storefront logon availability. Thank you.
View ArticleProvide FIM Connectors for all operating systems
Currently, the FIM connectors in LEM are Windows-only. Please provide connectors for all operating systems that LEM supports with agents. -ZackMLoop1 Systems: SolarWinds Training and Professional...
View ArticleBetter Organization
i understand that i am able to create groups and place subnets in them by dragging and dropping. however, this isnt very useful when my list of subnets is at least 50 long and i have to try to click...
View ArticleSome notes
Hello fellow gurus Here are some notes I took while configuring our IPAM app. You can take them as you please, ideas, suggestions, stupidities, what ever.I think it would make it more enjoyable, but...
View ArticleSAM Monitor Charts with Threshold Lines
Similar to selecting the trend line to add to a chart, I would really like to have the option to also select warning and critical thresholds for SAM monitor charts so that I can see how far off we are...
View ArticleSolarWinds SCOM MP
Salam Team, Kindly ask questions in accordance SolarWinds <-> SCOM integration. 1. What data (objects, alerts, performance data, health data) will be propogated to SCOM from SolarWinds by SCOM...
View ArticleMicrosoft Patch Tuesday - October 2014
On Thursday (Oct 9) Microsoft announced the forthcoming content for Patch Tuesday – Oct 14, 2014.Number of Releases: 9Critical Security Updates: 3 addressing vulnerabilities in Windows and Internet...
View ArticleMultiple companies per location
We provide hosting/managed services and host customers in 1 facility. We need the abilitiy to assign the same location to multiple customers/companies.
View ArticleMore Default Resources on IPAM Summary Page
I started evaluating IPAM v4.1 and the first thing I noticed after adding my DHCP and DNS Servers, a couple of Supernets, and subnets was the lack of default resources on the Summary page. It would be...
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